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There is a wealth of techonolgy that we, as teachers and our students can use to support, extend and challenge learning; thus the aim of this site is to organise and to share some examples of the digital tools that I am using in my classes. My main interest lies in using the iPad as a video, a camera, an audio recorder, a multimedia notebook that can capture students creations demonstrating their learning. Digital Tools should allow my students to communicate and collaborate; thus making their learning visible whilst also engaging them.

Padlet - for sharing 
Edmodo - for staying connected and sharing
Book Creator - for creating multi-media books
iMovie - for creating, demonstrating, app-smashing
iMovie - for creating, demonstrating, app-smashing create a wall, customise it, share it, get students posting text, images, video; students can create their own walls too

Connect with other teachers; share powerpoints, links with students, get students talking, create small groups, quizzes, a wealth of learning to explore here; an educational Facebook

Book Creator: Create books that can include images and videos

iMovie: Create and share a movie; app smash your learning

Educreations - for creating learning tutorials
Popplet - for creating mind maps with images and text
Prezi - for creating engaging, thoughtful presentations
Haiku Deck - for creating engaging presentations

Educreations: make learning tutorials for students so that they can play, stop, rewind, fast forward to you and really grasp the learning points

Popplet: encourage students to make notes in a mind map style as this will aid memory recall

Prezi: when making presentations students learn the importance of visual clarity

Haiku Deck: similar to Prezi as words are limited and students will need to think about what they really want to say to their audience

Haiku Deck - for creating engaging presentations
30 Hands - for creating text, audio, videos, images
YakitKids - for creating fun video clips; talking objects
Chatterpix - for creating fun videos; make multi clips
Tellagami - for creating

30 Hands: add text, image, videos, shapes and record it all and then app smash it

Yakit Kids: makes objects talk; this character was created using Augment

Chatterpix: create 30 second clips of objects talking, explaining the learning concepts

Tellagami: Choose a background linked to the learning concept, create your avatar, then either record your own voice or choose text to speech

Puppet Pals - for creating
Comic Life - for images and text 
Pic Collage / Shake - create
Mindmeister - for mindmapping

Puppet Pals: great for those shy students who can talk behind a character they create; imagination and creation to tell a story

Comic Life: add images to text; express the learning in a fun and engaging way

Pic Collage: super versatile tool and so easy; images, text, stickies, backgrounds, so many sharing possibilities

Mindmeister: great for note taking; 

Today's Meet - for communicating
Socrative - for quizzes
Quizlet - aid memory recall 
Talking News - create videos

Today's Meet: useful way of getting questions, thoughts from students immediately; also if they are working out of class they can get in touh with you

Socrative: a quiz creator; the space race is a fun way of checking learning so far 

Quizlet: students can make vocabulary learning easy and test each other too; great for AfL  and at any point during a lesson to get students thinking and interacting

Talking News: great tool for app smashing a video

PhotoCard - an e-postcard ++
Up in pieces - create a puzzle
Auto Rap - talk to rap 
Toontastic - create videos

PhotoCard: choose an image, flip it, stamp it, decorate it, add text and share; many uses with this one; add to camera roll and then video 

Up in pieces: as a quick starter, recap key learning point, or introduce new terms; make a puzzle, swop iPad with partner and complete the puzzle; works well with pic collage

Auto Rap: now everyone can rap; normal speech is converted to a rap; great as a revision tool for the auditory learners

Toontastic: make a fun video and app smash; try the Toontastic 3D version - very easy to use and great final effects

Avatar Creator - fun!!
Storyboard - create cartoons
Make Beliefs - make cartoons
Aurasma - make an image come alive

Avatar Creator and Voki: improve your pronunciation by choosing the accent of your voki, embed into blogs

Storyboard: create a cartoon to demonstarte any learning point or to reflect on your learning journey or to talk about a trip

Make Beliefs: create comics and the images can be added to camera roll and the iMovie app to

Aurasma: make your displays come alive; students create their own videos and link them to an image in the classroom

Word Salad - create word clouds
Google - a site to share
Blogger - share work
Notability - amazing note taker

WordSalad: introduction to key terms or revision or an inspiration to write a story

Google: sites, docs, sheets, forms, presentations, kaizena add on, too many good gadgets; even better now that we have the new Google sites platform, much easier to use 

Blogger: keep parents informed about the learning, value students work by giving them an audience

Notability: take notes in any form that helps you best

Photos / Camera Roll - photos
Messages / Air Drop - sharing
Decide Now - pick a student
Poster Pro - display

Photos / Camera Roll / Pic-Play-Post: so versatile and so good for so many other apps; capture and share the learning in so many ways

Messages / Air Drop: great for collaboration and sharing 

Decide Now: make picking a student random and fun; used to make the video snippet

Poster Pro: customise your wanted poster and create displays or award as a certificate to students, good for year book page too

Memes maker - create 
ThingLink - share links
Explain Everything - explain!!
Insta Grok - research tool 

Memes Maker: create displays

ThingLink: great for cover work, choose an image and add links to it, source material, task, poll

Explain Everything: record your reflections on a piece of work, demonstarte a learning concept

Insta Grok: a research tool

Tele Prompter - be a reporter
Green Screen - realistic backgrounds
Pow Toon  - interacvtive presenatiaons
Voice Record Pro - record voice

TelePrompter: type in your script and read whilst your are filmed - like a pro news reader

Green Screen: be a reporter and create a realistic background to reflect where you are reporting from

Pow Toon: make your presentations different and alive

Voice Record Pro: record your oral exam, add audio file to video; also lots of creative stuff possible with a voice changer app!!

Video Scribe - RSA video!
Nearpod - share content
Easy Assessment - record
Twitter - My PLN

Video Scribe: great tool to make really engaging presentations that will tell a story and wow!

Nearpod: create and share content from your iPad with that of students

Easy Assessment: record grades straingt into an app and give immediate feedback on progression

Twitter: share your work and ideas and learn from other professionals; all my learning has happened here!

PLN 1 - Richard Byrne
PLN 2 - Med Kharbach
PLN 3 - You Tube Tutorials
Adobe Voice - tell a story

Free Technology For Teachers: My Personal Learning Network 1; this is a gret site full of practical and easy to understand information

Educators Technology: My Personal Learning Network 2; a great easy to follow site with lots of up to date information

You Tube Tutorials: a huge thanks to all those great people who have made tutorials to make my life easier!

Voice: tell a story, add images and make your words come alive; now revamped and 3 great Adobe tools called Spark Page, Spark Video & Spark Post

iTunesU - create a course
Certificate Maker - create a certificate
Goolge Plus - connect
Pic, Play, Post - image and video

iTunesU: create online books to share with students

Certificate Maker: surprise and praise students with a personalised e-certificate; will get them checking their emails too

PLN 4: Google Plus Communities; lots of support and ideas here

Pic, Play, Post: add images, videos and share

Soundcloud - record
Infuse Learning - a response system
Polldaddy - survey the class
Evernote - create notes and files

Soundcloud: record a sound and share create quizzes and allow students to draw a response or choose an answer and get immediate feedback to inform the next learning steps

Polldaddy: easy to set up a poll, survey to get immediate feedback; embed into a thinklink; is very good too and immediate

Evernote: create notes and store them in files, annotate images

Pinterest - visual sharing
Ed Shelf - collection of tools
Canva - create cool posters - make animated videos

Pinterest: find visuals on any topic of interest

Ed Shelf: Collate and share your favourite digital tools create instant posters; easy to add images, text and personalise with colour and font add images, text and music and then animate your creation into an animated video

Timeline 3D - create a timeline
Tackk - create a great visual - create and share interactive media
3 tools: smore, canva, voice

Timeline 3D: a great app that allows you to create 3 D timelines create great visuals with images, text, links and video create and share multi medai stories and more; keep them private or public create flyers that are linear and can be packed with photos, videos, links and audio

Zaption - build in questions into videos
Photofunia - get creative with photos
TMovenote - add slides, annotate and present via video
Blendspace - create  lessons with digital content

Zaption: get students to interact with a video by building in questions for them to answer as they watch; unfortunately no longer available; try EdPuzzle instead

Photofunia: give your photos a new and creative twist

Movenote: scan students work or take a photo and give them video feedback

Blendspace: share resources with students - great for project based learning or cover work

Pear Deck - share and interact with live presentations
Google Classroom - share, collaborate, personalise
Differentiating Homework  
Rewordify - support students' academic reading 

Pear Deck: a live presentation, share with students on their screens and get them to respond to questions

Google Classroom: now it is even easier to share resources with students, to set and mark assignments

Differentiating homework: making students responsible for their homework 

Rewordify: help students to understand dense text; simplify academic English text 

Newsela - comprehending current news
iMovie Trailer - introduce a topic 
iMovie - try a new way of getting notices to students
Ed.Ted - educational videos with tasks EAL students can now read current news, choose their level of difficulty and answer questions to check comprehension

iMovie Trailer: introduce a new topic in a different way

iMovie: students can show their learning via an iMovie and teachers could share notices or flip the learning by making their own videos 

Ed.Ted: thinking lessons and videos on a wide range of topics 

Glogster - add images, text, links to videos, google docs
Planbook - teacher planning
Pic Monkey -create a collage of pictures
Halftone - get students creating a comic page

Glogster: create interactive digital content to share

Planbook: an app for lesson planning, add your timetable, assignments and easy to colour code 

Pic Collage: create a collage of photos to use in thinglink maybe 

Halftone: easy to create comics with this app 

Adobe ideas - get creative with note taking
Flipboard - create a magazine create content simply 
Flubaroo- grade quizzes

Adobe ideas: get creative with your note taking 

Flipboard: an app to curate all the news you care about and want to share in a magaizine style format create quick engaging content using images and text; simple to create and easy to share   

Google Forms and Flubaroo: create a quiz to assess the learning and let Fubaroo add on mark it for you  

Emaze - create presentation 
Movenote - give students feedback via video
Tackk- a versatile linear web page 
Get Kahoot! - super quiz maker create cloud based presentations from a range of templates 

Movenote: Thank-you to Mr Riding for sharing this video tutorial on a really useful and powerful tool to give feedback create a linear web page that allows you to add text, photos, URL links; great for presentations and lessons    

Get Kahoot: Create a quiz and get your students hooked; add an image and video too, set the time to answer, students join and play; great for AfL and for staff PD sessions

Thematic - create a visual story 
Fun Slides - create a video
Planning to integrate tech
Storify your Tweets choose some images, add some text; a visual story; great for MFL 

Fun Slides App: turn images into a video, app music or a voice over 

A lesson planning map: these questions can be used to guide your lesson planning so that the learning outcomes remain at the forefront   

Storify: this is a great tool to turn your Twitter posts into a "story" that can then be shared; you pull in content from various social media platforms

Voki Ambassador
Integrating Technology
Adobe Slate -  Webpage creation
Weebly - great website platform 

Voki: create presentations with your talking vokis and easy no sign up with Voki Classroom

Integrating Technology: some thoughts with a lesson planning map

Adobe Slate: create a smooth interactive webpage; add photos, text and links; easy to use and share; create on an iPad   

Weebly: makes it very simple with its drag and drop option and a range of templates to build a website
Answer Garden

Versal: create interactive and dynamic lessons; to basic text, images, video add interactive assessment gadgets to engage learners

Wunderlist: an app and an online platform that can be used to support SMARTER target setting

Google in Education: Drive, Docs, Sheets, Forms, Classroom, Slides, Sites, Keep and so many cool add ons; now called GSUITE and it keeps getting better and better

Answer Garden: pose  a questions, share it and get answers that can be seen immediately in a word cloud

Common Sense Media

Bitmoji: create an avatar

Brainpop: an app and an online platform that can be used to support learning in a variety of subject areas

Common Sense Media:  a wealth of resources to engage parents, teachers and students around the theme of good Digital Citizenship so many interesting templates & musical timers

Khan Academy
Slides Carnival
Go Formative
Diagnostic Questions

Khan Academy: Great  site for independent 

Slides Carnival: a range of free templates for Google Slides

Go Formative: Create quizzes for your students and get real time data 

Diagnostic Questions: an assessment tool to get an insight into your students' understanding of concepts


Tagul: create wordclouds which could then be used to support longer writing

Lucidchart: an app and an online platform that can be used to create flowchart create interactive worksheets that can be easily completed and self-marked on the iPad

Piktochart: create infographics and make the abstract visual, break down the complex into digestable sections

Noun Project
One Note

Noun Project: find nice and simple black and white icons for anything

One Note: Go paperless; write notes, add images, audio, drawings and create folders all in one place

Lino: An online collaborative sticky noiceboard

Ditty: An app that allows you to choose a music track, type in some text  and transfers it into a nice little ditty; combine multiple ditties in iMovie

New Google Sites

Hyperdocs: Designing digital lessons using Google Apps - it's more than just a link

New Google Sites: Website creation made easy

Vizia: active video viewing; pose questions as students watch a video - great for Flipped Learning

Classkick: active and persoanlised learning that allows for teacher to access real time data 


Sutori: design an interactive learning task for your students and encourage collaboration

Seesaw: documenting and sharing learning

My Distance Learning Tech Toolkit


Distance Learning
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